Sunday 3 February 2013

My Perfectly Blossoming Confidant AKA My Sister

Words barely express the adoration and appreciation I have for my beloved sister Tanarah Dove. She is my best friend, my closest companion, my favorite person on planet earth and I adore every little thing about her and her annoying ways. I can confidently say that I have absolutely no clue as to where I would be or what I would be in this world if she wasn't apart of my life because she is my life. Well, at least a very large part of it.

The pictures displayed below this post are probably not the best photographs to use in depiction of our relationship but hey, I think they will suffice.
In these photos you may not be able to see much of a resemblance but in person we never seize to go a day without being asked if we are twins. Yeah. It happens daily! Seeing as we are almost always together. I'm not exactly sure why this is so unanimous among people though.. because as you may already be able to tell, she is much more beautiful than I am. Honestly, she is absolutely stunning. I can not tell a lie. Come to think of it, this could also be a subconscious reason as to why I love her so much. Hmm... this very well could be the case.
Anyways, although we "appear" to look a lot a like; based on our height, physic, the way we walk, our closeness even in the way we communicate, we are extremely different people. Our personalities are almost polar opposites as Tanarah is more of the "loud mouth" and seems to be the extroverted type and I appear to be more reserved and introverted. Although this is usually the case, it seems that with complete strangers we tend to switch places. Weird right? Yeah, very weird. And that's one thing I'd saywe also have in common; our weirdness. Well, I honestly believe that we're a weird pair. We laugh uncontrollably at almost everything, we say and do the weirdest things and that is also what makes us so close; our ability to forget the rest and just have fun, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

I often talk about having a never ending abundance of bad luck (as my life seems to be a never ending series of unfortunate events) but I am 100 % certain that when it comes to Tanarah, luck was completely on my side the day she was conceived. I could not have asked to share the same blood with anyone better than my year younger blossoming confidant.

I know that there are a plethora of people around the world with sisters close in age to them as well and God bless them. All siblings truly are a blessings. The point I am trying to make in writing this blog is that with the luck and life I have, I would have never expected to be in such a fortunate position to receive a sister as perfect as mine. I adore her with everything in me.

I really don't think Tanarah would ever take the time out to write something so completely time consuming and cheesy in my favor just for the sake of expressing her love for her big sister but I'm alright with that... because I know I will always love her more than she'll ever love me and that is just enough for me. 


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